Reliable On-Tour Music Tracking for DJs and Artists

Performing live? Are you confident that the royalties from these venues are accurately paid to you?

How Vollou benefits aritsts

Automatically streamlining royalty transparency, Vollou fortifies the trust and collaboration between artists and PROs.
Gaining insights into play frequency and reach, Vollou strengthens the connection between artists and their audience.
fair compensation
Fair compensation
In nightlife venues, the lack of real-time music monitoring often deprives artists of their deserved royalties. Vollou steps in, identifying every song and guaranteeing artists their rightful earnings.

Steps to setup Vollou

Setting up Vollou for your events is as simple as downloading an app.
Contact Vollou to setup an account with Vollou.
Install Vollou on your chosen device.
Press record at the beginning of your event.
Data is automatically sent to Vollou to report the track-list to the PRO and update the artist dashboard.
Contact Vollou to join the movement to fairer royalty payments.
Contact us